Here is a picture of our awesome little Christmas Tree. I wish the lighting would have been better so you can see it better. It's much cuter in person, so feel free to stop by and see it! :)
On a side note, Dr. Hall called last night and said that they might push my due date back about 3 weeks because she is so small. My uterus measures right one but she measures behind. (I will probably cry if he changes it by that much that means I will be pregnant for almost 10 months, instead of just 9 ... sigh...) He looked at the ultrasound pictures and said all her parts are there but she is about 2-3 weeks behind on her measurments. I have a follow up ultrasound in 3-4 weeks to see if she is growing and to make sure the amniotic fluid stays where it needs to be. Poor little girl, I hope she's ok. I read somewhere that Celiac disease mothers have "low birth weight" babies and he said that could be a reason for her being so small as well. I guess we will take it one week at a time and see how she does.
For those of you wondering about my sister, Rachel, still no baby :( Her due date is 5 days away and she isn't quite dilated to a one yet. Poor girl is so miserable and ready to be done. I sure hope he comes soon. I'm ready to meet him! I will keep you all posted on when he gets here though!
Your tree is gorgeous! I need to find time to post pictures of my room up here since we decorated it! How can your girl not measure right, you were just the same size as Rach when she is so far ahead of you :]
I talked to her earlier this week and I cant wait for that boy to get here. Keep my posted this week! Love ya Lynds
Your tree looks fantastic. But I definitely know what you mean--trees just look better in person! For sure!
Sorry about your date getting pushed back. :(
Your tree is so pretty, but I def wanna see it in real life! I love the green bells, did you get them at Porter's? I wanted to get those!
I'm sorry about the baby. I remember them saying Jacoby was measuring a little big and so I thought maybe I would be a couple weeks early, but it turned out that by the end he was measuring right on. Maybe that's all that it is. I'm sure that she's just fine, but I will pray for you and the baby. Love ya!
Your tree is Beautiful! I love it! Hope all goes well with the little one!
Yup, that was me, not Tyler! ;)
I LOVE the tree! It is so beautiful.....and you are in my prayers this week :}
I love your little christmas tree, it's so cute!! That would suck if they did push your due date back, but i guess they know what they're doing and just want her to be o.k.!! Poor Rach, i'm sure she is miserable, but tell her to be patient because it makes it worse when you think you'll go early!! Hope all goes well with you two preggo's!! :)
It's beautiful! And yes... I want to "stop in" and see it neighbor! :)
It looks great i love the color you choose
Your tree looks great. I hope everything continues to go okay with the baby. Three more weeks towards the end, BLUGH!! Take care!! Call me when Rachel has her baby. 356-6357 or 390-2290.
Your tree is so cute!!! I'm so glad you mentioned Rachel. I've been wondering. I'm so excited for you guys! yay for babies!
Thanks for the comment about my tree! it has been fun! Your tree is soo cute! I pretty much love it lol So glad to hear that things are going pretty good with the baby. It will all work out and you both will be super healthy! Keep in touch ;) love ya
I LOVE your tree! It is darling. Christmas decorations are the best!!
I love the tree! I hope hope hope everything goes well and you don't have to wait until 10 months to have that baby..yikeS! I was measuring 32 weeks when I had Colton and everything was fine, some people hold their babies differently?? You never know! Good luck!!
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