Sweet baby girl.
I know everyone always tells us time goes by too quickly! This last year has been the fastest year of my life. I am sure they only get faster as time goes on. I can remember being in the hospital holding Maecie for the first time as if it was yesterday. She has brought so much joy into my life. This year has been full of so many emotions. A year full of first for Taylor and I . Maecie's whole life will be first for Taylor and I. Poor girl is a guinea pig.
She has had a terrible cold, but she is finally getting a little better. Dr. Edwards told me she will probably have it for 6 weeks then get better for 2-3 weeks and get the cold again for 6 weeks and then be better for 2-3 weeks before getting it for a third time. He said for some reason most kids that get this cold this year get it three times before feeling much better. I am hoping that won't happen because I have had far too many sleepless nights the last few weeks.
Maecie weighs 20 lbs and is 29 1/2 inches tall. She has always been in the 80-90% for height and weight, but at her 1 year appt she is now 25% for weight and 45% for height. CRAZY!
She took two steps the other night and continues to just take a couple steps before falling. She is a BIG chicken. She wants to hold my hands to walk but I dont even help her she just needs it for comfort I guess. She will walk when she wants to I suppose.
I will need to go to the Dr. in the next month or so to find out if I will need to have surgery again to have more kids. I can tell the endometriosis has grown back but I just don't know how bad it is. We will just have to see what he says. I am not ready for another baby yet. I'm sure the time will come when I am ready but for now I am content with Little Mae.
Maecie is so beautiful! The last year has gone by so fast, it seems like you just had her! I bet you are one proud mamma! I still need to meet your daughter! I need to call you the next time i am in idaho!
Wow!I can't believe she is one! She is so adorable- I love the pictures of her.
Happy B-day Mae! Those pics are so cute! The first year does fly by so fast doesn't it?
I cannot believe she is 1. She is getting so big and sooooo cute!
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