We haven't been up to much lately. Taylor and Scott have been working on the basement. We hired some guys to hang the Sheetrock, tape and texture. They will finish hanging it today and then start taping tomorrow! I will be so excited to get it all done. So I can move all of the boxes and stuff out of the office and turn it into the baby's room. I can't wait to get started!
Taylor still talks in his sleep. He says the funniest things but doesn't believe me that he really does. The other night we had just gotten in bed and I was watching TV and Taylor had fallen to sleep and he wakes up and says,
Tay: "Give me the Panda Jack!"
Me: "What?!?"
Tay: "Never mind"
Then a few min later,
Tay: "Ruff, Ruff" (Barking like a dog)
Me: "Why did you bark?!?" (trying not to laugh hysterically)
Tay: "I didn't...it was Tate!" (with a HUGE smile on his face)
I just laughed and laughed. It took me a long time to finally go to sleep because I was laughing so hard. He never really checks the blog but I sure hope he doesn't read it this time because he will kill me if he knows this was posted. I just don't want to forget some of the funny things that he does. I told him I am going to put a video camera up in our room so I can prove to him that he says crazy things.
This is not a very good picture, but I have had requests to put up a "Belly picture". It was taken with Tay's camera on his phone so it's not the best quality. I am getting pretty large and I know it will only get worse. Taylor has a few names for me these days, Fatty Patty, Miss Piggy, Hippo (like the guy off of the movie Along Came Polly says it). Hopefully soon my sciatic nerve will stop acting up. It's been quite painful for a few weeks now. Sitting at work for 10 hours a day 4 days a week has been hard on it. I try to move around quite a bit.
Taylor still talks in his sleep. He says the funniest things but doesn't believe me that he really does. The other night we had just gotten in bed and I was watching TV and Taylor had fallen to sleep and he wakes up and says,
Tay: "Give me the Panda Jack!"
Me: "What?!?"
Tay: "Never mind"
Then a few min later,
Tay: "Ruff, Ruff" (Barking like a dog)
Me: "Why did you bark?!?" (trying not to laugh hysterically)
Tay: "I didn't...it was Tate!" (with a HUGE smile on his face)
I just laughed and laughed. It took me a long time to finally go to sleep because I was laughing so hard. He never really checks the blog but I sure hope he doesn't read it this time because he will kill me if he knows this was posted. I just don't want to forget some of the funny things that he does. I told him I am going to put a video camera up in our room so I can prove to him that he says crazy things.
This is not a very good picture, but I have had requests to put up a "Belly picture". It was taken with Tay's camera on his phone so it's not the best quality. I am getting pretty large and I know it will only get worse. Taylor has a few names for me these days, Fatty Patty, Miss Piggy, Hippo (like the guy off of the movie Along Came Polly says it). Hopefully soon my sciatic nerve will stop acting up. It's been quite painful for a few weeks now. Sitting at work for 10 hours a day 4 days a week has been hard on it. I try to move around quite a bit.

5 more days and I will be in double digits to my due date. Time is flying. We can't wait until she gets here. We are so excited. Only 15 weeks left!
Cute belly! Amber and I went to dinner with Rachel the other night and we got to see hers too. So fun that you're pregnant together! I can relate with Taylor on the sleep talking thing ha ha. My husband is always telling me about the crazy crap I say. Kind of embarassing ha ha.
That is funny that he talks in his sleep. Todd just snores, LOUDLY! Brodie has always talked in his sleep and it can be quite hilarious, Harleigh giggles, and Jayce well hate to say it but he just farts. Your little belly is so cute. How exciting that your basement is coming along. I really do want to come and see your house some time.
YOUR SO CUTE!! Ha my husband talks in his sleep to, but he mumbles so bad I can never understand it.. I would have died if my husband would start barking in his sleep! haha to bad you didn't get that one on video! haha I'm excited for your basement I want to come see your cute house and you of course!
Oh Lynds, you look so cute! It was fun to see how much you're cute baby bump has grown. I can't wait to meet her! That's so hilarious about Taylor!! I was laughing out loud just now. I hope he does read your blog cause that is so funny! Tyler says weird things too, but I can't really understand them. The barking is the best! I'm excited to see your basement, but more importantly the nursery. I'm sure it will be adorable! Love you Lynds.
You look sooo cute!! I can't belive you only have 15 weeks left. Time is flying! ha, for me anyways ...
You're such a cutie! That's so funny about what Taylor said talking/barking in his sleep! Sorry about the pain. I never had that, but I heard it's awful! :P
You have such a cute little belly!! Tell Taylor that i said to be nice and not call you mean names :)!! I'm so jelous that you have a house and are finishing the basement no less!! It will be so fun to start putting the baby's room together, i always loved that part about being pregnant! I can't say that your pain will get better, usually the further along you get, the worse it seems to be. But hopefully it will be the opposite in you case! You, Me, and Rach should all go out to lunch one of these days so i can see your cute pregnant selves in person!! :)
Congrats a the baby! I was on one of my friends blogs and saw yours on her list! Lol It's been awhile :) Seminary class I think lol a long while. Your belly to dang cute!
Shauna Piquet Harris
yah! you finally did a post ha. thats funny bout taylor.. i pretty much laughed my head off when i was reading it. Your belly is gettin so big :) I cant e=wait for her to come either!
You look so cute!
So funny about Taylor talking in his sleep! You look so stinkin cute!
Fatty Patty, you are adorable!
haaa Tay needs to just agree. Hellooo you are always right :]
Your belly is growing! : ) you look so cute prego! im excited for you to have her! Any names yet?
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