My Aunt Anna is over the radiology at Madison Memorial Hospital, so last night she invited Taylor and I up to have an ultrasound to make sure we are having just one baby. I am developing a pretty large baby bump! I honestly can't believe how much my body has changed this last week.
Well Taylor wasn't able to go last night because he was working late so I took Grandma Bonnie. It was so fun to go with her. It was yet another great bonding experience for the two or us. Seeing the baby move makes this experience so much more real.
We found that are having just one baby. I tried to upload the pictures but they are super blurry. I got to hear the heartbeat much more clearly with the machine my aunt used. She is going to let me go up again in about 5 weeks and we will find out what we are having. SNEAK PEEK! whoo hoo. I am so excited for that! I will be a shop-a-holic after that!
I will have to upload some pictures of me so you can see that I am getting quite LARGE! If I keep growing at this rate I won't be able to walk for the last month or so of the pregnancy! haha.
Tomorrow is my birthday and also one year since Taylor and I got engaged! I can't believe how fast time flies! I sure love him. He is so funny. He is always cracking jokes. We don't go one day without laughing hysterically about something. In this last year we have grown so much closer together than I could ever imagine. We have had our rough days and we have had our great days. I wouldn't trade any of them because they always somehow make us grow closer together! We have been so blessed in the last year. We have wonderful families who have helped with anything and everything. Some who have spent countless hours helping us with our beautiful home. When I had surgery we had so many meals brought over and helped clean the house. The thing I am most grateful for in this last year of is the temple. Taylor and I are sealed for Eternity. I am happy to know that our children will be blessed to be apart of this wonderful blessing!
Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake
1 month ago
You are so lucky to get to have your aunt do ultrasounds for you! I have only had two this entire pregnancy and I am not used to it! I had so many with the twins that I can't even count them. Isn't it so fun to see your baby! You better upload pictures of your baby bump really soon! I am dying to see what you look like!!! I bet you are showing fast cause you are so darn skinny!
Oh, I'm so excited for you! Aren't ultrasounds amazing!? That's awesome that your aunt gave you the hook-up. When I was pregnant, there was an awesome lady in my ward that gave me several very detailed ultrasounds. It was fantastic!!! And I agree with the previous comment--I'm sure you feel like you're showing a lot because there's nowhere on your cute little body for a baby to hide!!!
I have goose bumps right now. I am sooooo happy for you and stubby!!!! and baby stubby!!! I really love that Taylor of yours....we have great memories and not so great when I swore at him and Ryan one day after scouts....I had to go in and tell Shellie that I had swore, she kinda laughed. Oh my gosh, I was a lousy scout leader. But I do love the boy and you and I am so happy for you both!!!!
Yay for Anna! Still wish you were having two ha ha then Tay could have his boy and you could have your girl! but Im still excited to see what you end up having!
I'm glad you were able to get another ultrasound, and you'r so lucky that your aunt can do another one soon to find out what you're having. I want to see your little baby bump, I bet you look so cute. I really want to get together with you, but it'll have to wait until I finish up this dang internship. AH! I love you Lynds!
I'm a little disappointed. I was hoping for twins! My boys talk about you all the time. You are going to be such a cute mom. We need to get together soon. Happy Birthday.
That is so awesome that you have the hook up for ultrasounds! It's always so nice to be able to see the baby and even better that you get to see it more often than most! I can't wait for you to post pics of your baby bump! I agree with the other comments, it probably feels like you're showing super fast cause you're such a skinny minnie!! Happy Birthday too by the way!
Happy Belated Birthday!
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