Just thought I would post an update on the surgery.
So last Wednesday they told us to be at the hospital at 10:45, we got there, answered the same 50 questions they asked me the day before, then changed and got my IV put in. My surgery was scheduled for 12:45. They said Dr. Hall was 30 min ahead of schedule last time they checked. I was thinking WHOO HOO. Little did I know that was the WRONG INFO. So Taylor, Grams and I chatted and watched some TV. My nurse came in and said that Dr. Hall is now running behind schedule and she also asked me the same 50 questions I had already been asked two other times. We waited and waited. Finally at 2:30 they came and got me and said they were ready for me. I was a little irritated that I had to wait and hour and fourty five min longer than I was suppose to and needless to say I was starving to death. So they get me down in the holding area and again I waited another hour and a half. Around 4 they came and asked those 50 questions AGAIN. Then they gave me anesthesia and I was out.
They found some endometriosis and also an adhesion (my grandma thinks it looks like saran wrap stretched out) and they burned the endometriosis and cut off the adhesion. I have been really sore but our families have been so wonderful and made meals and brought us everything we need.
Taylor says I walk around like I am an OLD lady. I just tell him I feel like one too. I am pretty sore, I move slow. But I should be feeling pretty good by the weekend. Taylor has been great. He has helped so much. He just couldn't master the whole 'pick up after myself because Lyndsi can't right now' task. But someday he will get there! haha. :)
Oh and I wanted to just let everyone know that my brother JASON was the 4A District Champ for golf. CONGRATS. WE LOVE YOU.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake
1 month ago
I am so glad that they finally got to your surgery!!! It is the pits waiting. It would be different if you could have a Diet Pepsi and a brownie!!!!! :) Hope it was sucessful and that you are out shopping soon!!!!! Love you guys
ya gotta love waiting for doctors! i really hate that. i'm glad that it is over tho and i hope you get better soon!
Well, it sounds like things went well. I hope you continue to recover. That's awesome about Jason.
I'm glad you are feeling better. I wish I was there to see you walk like an old lady ha ha and WHOO HOO that is my boyfriend :) I'm so happy, I was hoping to find some pictures from it before i posted it, but no good cuz I didnt find one :(
I hope you get feeling better fast! A couple of my sisters had those same problems so I know it isn't fun! Tenille's pictures look amazing! You will have to ask her to send you the link to view them online. I heard about your brother on the news! That is so exciting. I thought, "I wonder if that is Lyndsi's brother?" But I didn't know for sure!
I'm glad to hear your surgery went well! That is never fun. I had to have surgery the week after we got home from our honeymoon and it was crazy! Talk about jumping right into the real world!
Lynds, I'm glad you're feeling so much better, I bet it was a relief to know that the doctor felt good about it. That's so exciting about Jason, I bet he was super excited!
I am so glad your surgery went good, i hate hospital they always take forever. But hopefully you are starting to feel better!
I'm glad that everything went well and that you have awesome family to take care of you! Get feeling better soon so you don't have to walk around like an old lady anymore....haha!! Oh, and way to go Jason...such a stud!
So good to hear that your surgery went well! Glad that my was able to keep ya company! Doctors are always behind schedule! That is so funny that Taylor does all tha stuff in his sleep! Cameron talks in his sleep! I love to carry on conversations w/ him! He has tried to sell me lots of things too! I wish I had a tape recorder so I could record all of our conversations! Cam never believes me! I don't think boys will ever figure out the "pick up after themselves" task! That is so exciting about Jason!
Thanks Lyndsi! How are you feeling after your surgery now? I hope that all is well!
That sucks to have waited so long for the surgery. I'm glad it went well though. NOw go pig out on good food ha ha.
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