Tomorrow I am having surgery. I am having a Laparoscopy done. I have had uncomfortable pelvic pain for quite some time. I won't really go into detail about it but I am SO ready to have it done and over with. I am not nervous for the procedure, but I am about the outcome. Taylor and my grandma are going with me and I am glad they are going to be there to support me.
I just thought I would put a few things down here that I want to remember. Since Taylor and I have gotten married, I can't sleep very much. Taylor talks, walks, and eats in his sleep. This has been an eye opener for me. He does the funniest things. I really do just have to laugh about it. But I do get sick of washing the sheets from him getting chocolate and eating it in bed in the middle of the night. I am also getting sick of hearing about all the great Dish Network promotions. He will try to pay people money in the middle of the night. When we were building our house he would talk to me about all the people that we had working on the house. I don't think it is funny when it all happens but when I think about it all now, all I can do is laugh. I am going to share one of my favorite stories with you...some of them are probably too embarrassing to share.
Taylor and Lyndsi sleeping...
2am Lyndsi awakens with fingers in her nose and sees it is Taylor!
Lyndsi : Why did you just pick my nose? (In a not very friendly voice)
Taylor : Just seeing if you are awake (as he is flipping through the channels on the TV)
Lyndsi : Did you have to pick my nose to see if I was awake?
Taylor : Whatever, I can't sleep!
Lyndsi : Taylor just lay down you are asleep.
Taylor : Lynds, I can't.
Lyndsi : Taylor...LAY DOWN.
Taylor : Lynds, you dont understand! (and he lays down)
He remembers none of this. Atleast once a week he does something comical in his sleep. I could write a book on everything and make millions, I think. Hopefully he doesn't read this post, he will be mad I write about this.
Taylor is a great guy. I know he would do anything for me. I don't see him much because he works so much. But I know that he is doing it to make life better for us. He is such a hard worker. I am truely grateful for him.
Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake
1 month ago
Surgery! Good Luck with it, everything will go great! We will be praying for you and be thinking of you. It is definately a scarey thing but a huge relief when you wake up and are in the recovery room. We love you. Make sure Taylor takes good care of you after.
oh my gosh that sounds so entertaining! haha I would freak out if someone's fingers were in my nose in the middle of the night! hah but good luck on your sugery I hope everything goes good. Your so dang cute your pictures are beautiful!
haaa! You never told me about the fingers in the nose!! That is hilarious! You told me about the chocolate and other stories but the fingers is the best by far!! Good luck on your surgery,, Ill try to come see you, but mom said just what you want is me seeing you when you are not feeling well huh, but you tell her :]
hope all goes good and Ill keep in touch with Tay and Grandma to see how you are doing. Love ya Lynds
Lynds, good luck with everything tomorrow, I'll be thinking about you! Let me know how it goes. Thanks again for texting me today, that was very sweet of you. You're the best. Love ya!
That is the funniest sleep talking story that I have ever heard! Keep sharing them cause it made me laugh. I can understand how it is probably super unpleasant when it is happening! I hope that your surgery goes well and they get you feeling good again!
I hope and pray that all went well. I laughed at the thoughts of Taylor doing that. That is so funny. He is such a nut!!!!! Love him.... and you!
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