Thursday, October 20, 2011

Scary days...

Yesterday after noon I started bleeding and passing large clots and so my Dr. sent me for an ultrasound. I couldn't help but be emotionally overwhelmed when I talked to my Dr. I had to wake Maecie up from her nap and take her to Taylor. I was so worried but I said a prayer as I walked in for the ultrasound and  I had a sense of peace come over me as soon as I saw him on the monitors.  Our little guy looks good. They are unable to determine where the bleeding is coming from. The whole ultrasound we could watch my contractions just one upon another. I had terrible contractions all night, but today they are not as intense thank goodness. So I am on bed rest for a few days and I go back tomorrow for a check up. Hopefully I won't be on bed rest too much longer. With a 20 month old bed rest isn't too easy! Thankfully Maec LOVES Mickey Mouse Club House. I can't lift her much so we are camped out on the couch watching TV and playing on the Ipad. Thank you modern technology!
I will try to get caught up on my blogging the next few days and load the pictures from our ultrasounds.Also, I have so many pictures from the last few months that I need to document.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

It's a ...

We had our ultrasound a few weeks ago. I was pretty shocked we are having a boy, I thought we were having a girl for sure. I was way off.
I haven't put on the blog yet but I am due March 5.
This pregnancy has been so much harder than with Maecie so far. I have been incredibly sick this time around. I'm glad Maecie has been so good band has made that partveasier on me. I'm feeling quite a bit better now. I still puke when I brush my teeth. The nausea has calmed down so much from what it was thankfully.
I am glad to have one of each just to have the pressure off.
Maecie is quite the little sassy pants lately. We are in for some years of fun with this girl! We have to make sure she has pants on at ALL times or she takes her diaper off and goes streaking and if you are not paying attention she pees on your foot. She still has the most hilarious laugh on earth. She makes life so joyous. Our house would be so boring without her. She LOVES babies. She will be such a great big sister.