Tenille this post is just for you!
I took some good pictures on my camera but Taylor put my camera cord somewhere and he can't remember where that somewhere is. Suprise Suprise.
We are hoping that next weekend my aunt can do the ultrasound to find out what we are having. I am so excited for that I can hardly stand it! I am ready to start my shopping! And get narrowing down some names.
I have been really sick still. I have All-day Sickness instead of morning sickness. I am hopeing that soon it will go away. I am always late for work these days. Getting up and getting ready for the day is a difficult challenge for me. Honestly I would rather curl up on the couch with a blanket and watch a movie and eat cereal and take naps all day, if I had the choice. My house really needs me right now. It's so dirty. Taylor has the day off tomorrow, I will have to con him into helping me get it clean. Its driving me insane!
I can't believe how much my body is changing. ITS INSANE!!! Last week I felt the baby move for the first time. I felt it twice in one night and then I haven't felt the baby since. The Dr. said I should be feeling he/she all the time. I always feel so bad when I call the baby and IT. We will know soon enough I guess.
I wish I could be in more than one place at one time. This Friday, tomorrow, both Jason (a Senior at Bonneville) and Mitch (a Sophomore at Hillcrest) have Varsity football games. This year it will be hard to make it to many games because they both have games the same nights at the same times. And Civil war will be interesting since they will play eachother. They both play offense and defense so it will for sure be a sibling rivalry! And also the youngest brother, Coleson, has games too. His are on Wednesdays and Saturdays. I am always up for supporting my siblings in all they do so during school I am pretty busy going to all their games.
Well I hope you all have a great weekend! I will try to post more often. I just need to find that cord so I can update all my pictures of what we have been up to lately. The camera on my Blackberry isn't as good as my digital camera.
Oh my gosh! I love the belly pictures!! I am sorry that you are still sick...it is the WORST sickness too being pregnant! But, it will all be worth it in the end:) And you better update as soon as you find out what you are having! We need a little girl baby!! Good luck with everything, and keep the updates coming!
cute belly lyndsi! i hope you get feeling better soon! i'm excited to hear what it is! =)
You look so cute! What a great sister you are to go support them. Come to the Hillcrest game against Madison, we'll be there. Harleigh is doing a little cheerleading camp this week and she performs at half time. Don't you hate it when there is more than one thing to do and be at the same time, I just threw in the Hillcrest thing if you were having a hard time deciding, you go to whichever one you feel you need to :o) Have a great weekend!
Lyndsi!!! That picture is the cutest thing ever!!! I am so excited for you. We can't wait to find out what you are having. I remember those "sick" days. They are some of the worst feelings and just not having the energy to do things is not fun. I do still struggle with getting up in the mornings. Somedays, it is my biggest struggle and I am not even preganant. Take care and I hope you get feeling better soon.
Whoo I cant wait to see your tummy this weekend! And I cant wait for the ultrasound! Civil war is going to be sweet, but member you gotta stay on Bonneville side :)
Thanks for the update on your belly:). I'm sorry you're not feeling better yet. I always wanted to just curl up on the couch, too, and I didn't even get sick. I can't believe you're thinking about cleaning. he he. This is your time to let it go! (Taylor, don't kill me. . .) And isn't it awesome feeling them move?!
I get the "all day sickness" when i am pregnant too, so sorry! I also could only eat cereal, i never wanted anything cooked, wierd huh. You look cute, and I am glad you are doing well (besides being sick!) Good Luck @ your ultrasound!!
Oh my heck Lynds, you look super cute! I'm sorry that you're still not feeling very well, I hope it will get better soon for ya! I hope you'll be able to find out what you're having soon too, that's so exciting! I want to hear the names you guys are thinking of. We've got to get together soon! Love ya!
Love Love Love that cute little belly! You are so cute!
you are so dang cute!! how fun... except for being sick I hope you start feeling better soon.. I'm excited to hear what your having! I bet you can't even wait to know... yay!
Oh your belly is so cute!!! I am so sorry that you are still feeling sick! Hopefully that will pass really soon so you can just enjoy being pregnant! I can't wait to hear what you will be having!!!
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