We are going to have a baby!
The due date is February 18th, 2010!
I am about 10 1/2 weeks.
We are very excited for our family to grow.
I have been super sick the last two weeks. Lets hope that goes away soon! I also have put on the pounds the last week or so. Taylor thinks its quite funny. I didn't think that I would start showing so soon!
Hearing the heartbeat makes it so much more real. I could have sat and listened to it all day! In just 7-8 weeks we will find out if we are having a boy or a girl. Taylor says he already knows its a boy. I guess we will see...
Today we are off to a family reunion. TAYLOR HAS SATURDAY OFF!! WHOO HOO! That doesn't happen to often so I am excited to spend some time with him and the rest of my family.
I hope you guys have a great weekend!