Maecie had her two week appointment yesterday.
6lbs 8oz - 5th percentile
20 inches - 28th percentile
Head circumference 14 inches - 31st percentile
We are excited to not have to go back to the Dr for 6 weeks. We have been in there every two days for weight checks because she was so small and not growing. She finally had a little growth spurt and is doing great.
When we were in the doctors office she giggled and cooed at the Dr and he said he was amazed because babies normally don't giggle or coo until ATLEAST 2 months. She is pretty much a genius! haha

Maecie loves to sleep on her daddy's chest.
I have loved watching Taylor interact with her. She is going to be so spoiled.
On February 27th, I took Maecie to my friend Leah to get her pictures taken. Maecie pooped allover the props MANY times. It was so bad, I was completely embarrassed. SORRY LEAH!!! I am really excited to see all her pictures. Hopefully we will have them soon! I will make sure to post a few when I get them.