Maecie Lyn was born Feb 20th @ 1:46pm
6lbs 6oz
This is mostly for my record....you don't need to read on if you don't want to...
Friday at my Dr appt Dr Hall agreed to induce me since I was two days over and almost dilated to a 3. He told us to be at the hospital by 7am the next morning.
Taylor and I got to the hosptial at 7. We filled out all the paper work and they got my IV, penicillin, and pit started by 8am. Dr hall came in at 8:30 and broke my water. That was not the most pleasant experience I have ever had. I didn't have hard contractions until about 11. They gave me staydol (not sure how to spell that) at about 11:30, that made me feel super wierd, I will never get that again. It didn't take any pain away. They checked me and i was at a 4 and 100% effaced so they called the anesthetist in and he place my epidural around 12:30. After the epidural was placed (took about 20 min) I was already an 8 when they checked me before they put the catheter in! I couldn't believe I had progressed that much in 20 min. My nurse went out to call Dr Hall and let him know and about 15 min later I felt and enormous amount of pressure and so I had them go get me the nurse. She came in and I was already a 10. and Dr Hall wasn't at the hospital yet. We waited about 15 min until her arrived and I only had to do about 8 sets of pushing and she was here. She was a serious screamer. She screamed for about 20 min.
Taylor always said he wanted her to be a boy, now that she is here he wouldn't trade her for anything. He is wrapped around her finger already. She is a beautiful little girl.
When she was born she had a heart murmur because her heart didn't close when she took her first breath. but by the time we left the hospital it had closed. She has to be seen my a pediatric orthopedic surgeon because her pinky toes turn into her other toes slightly. They think its all mucsle and not bone so hopefully she won't have to have any type of surgery. The orthopedic surgeon from Boise won't be here for 4-6 weeks. Hopefully that goes well.
Day 4 and day 5 of life slept through the night. She is a very content baby. But when she needs something she will definatly let you know! She loves to be talked to. She has to be on her side to sleep. She LOVES her bouncer.
Yesterday when we took her to the Dr they said everything looks good with her but she isn't gaining her weight back yet, so she has to go back in friday. She is down to 5lbs 15 oz.
I am sure i left out quite a few details but I do love her so much. Its amazing how much you love them. She has brought so much joy into our home. Life is different, but in a good way.
We are grateful for the support of our friends and family in welcoming little Maecie into the world. We are grateful for the cleaning and the meals and all the help we have and are continuing to recieve!
I just sit and stare at her in the miracle that she is. I know that her Grandpa Dean took good care of her in heaven and her is continuing to watch over her now. I wish he was here to share this new journey in life with Taylor and I, But I know that he is watching over us. And he sees this precious little spirit we brought into this world. Love you dad.