I still don't have a camera cord so here are some pictures of the baby's room off of my phone.
I am getting so excited.
I love her crib and bedding.

Better view of her bedding

Crib and swing

Bassinet, stroller/carseat and dresser (and cute diaper cake Grandma, Shannon and Rachel made for my shower. It's too cute to take apart

Yesterday Taylor finally broke down and we got to paint her room!!! This is Taylor doing some painting.
We did chocolate brown around the whole bottom and the the top is Tan and just the wall her crib will be on the wall is pink (as below) We are putting up a trim to separate the two colors. It is looking good so far. Hopefully he will get the trim up today so i can post a picture of the finished project.

I'm really liking it! Thanks Taylor! She will definantly LOVE her room! I need to make her a Bow/accessories board to hang in her room. (that's what the cork board is for)
38 days until my due date! I can't believe it's coming so fast! We are so excited for her to get here.
People have been asking about what we are going to name her so I thought I would blog about it. I had a long list of super cute girl names, but Taylor shut most of them down and other family members wanted names I have been liking. But we decided to go with a different name.
We are thinking
MaecieWe are not sure on her middle name yet. It will either be Lyn or B. Taylor doesn't want her to have a middle name, but I want her to.
Taylor's Great grandma's name is Mae and it's also Shellie's middle name so that's why we chose the unusual spelling.
When she gets here we will decide if it fits her or not.