So our little guy is attempting to make his debut pretty early.
Tuesday all day I had terrible back pain and just didn't feel right. By about 10pm I was starting to contract regularly and then by 12:30 am Wednesday I was contracting about 4 min apart. My dr was out of town so I just called labor and delivery at the hospital and they said to come in and they would check me out. So I packed my bag and since it was the middle ofthe night and Taylor was sick and Maec was sleeping so I just went in by myself and got there at about 1 am. They hooked me up to the monitors and watched me for a few hours and my contractions slowed to 7 min apart and then finally to 10 min apart so they said in could go home if I wanted. Before I left she wanted to Check my cervix and she said "your cervix is open but not where the baby is at." which made no sense to me at all to me. I thought it was either open or closed!?!? So i finally got home about 5 am.
I called my Dr.s office when they opened at 8 to notify them I had been at the hospital and they said to come in at 1 when Stacy the PA got back. So I went in and she checked me and I am dilated to a 1 and 50% effaced and they gave me a steroid shot to help develop the babys lungs. They also gave me a prescription for a medicine that is suppose to relax my uterus and slow the contractions. I have to take it every 6 hours which is a pain to wake up at 4 am and take but I will do what I have to do to help him in anyway.
Today I went in and had to get another steroid shot for his lungs. We are hoping for him to stay in at least a few more weeks but if he doesnt we are hoping the shots helped his lungs.
For now I am on bed rest. I'm so grateful for our families bringing dinner and helping out with Maec!
So we are asking when you say your prayers to keep this little guy in your prayers!
We are finding out he is more and more like his dad and he isn't even here yet! That scary for me! Another Taylor??? What will I do with myself!
We have two names that we are thinking about...which do you like?
Kash or Garyson
Tell us what you think!!
Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Shake
2 months ago