Maecie and Paige at Ross Park

Maec in her little bikini, Love it!

Cason and Maecie and Tenille and Doug's reception

Look at those shoes! Love them!

Hanging with Dad before pictures
Maec had 4 month shots a while ago. Here are her stats...
16.3 lbs - 82%
26 1/4 inches - 94%
Head - 16 1/4 inches - 42%
She is such a tall girl. She must get that from Grandpa Dean.
SO much going on lately. Tenille and Doug are married. The reception was BEAUTIFUL. Those Hix girls know how to throw a party!!!
I now work from home...no more leaving Maecie!!! WHOOHOO. I love it. This is my first week home and I couldn't be happier. We have fun.
My aunt invited us to Ross park with her boys a few weeks ago. We invited Randi and Paige to go as well. It was a big party. Maecie loved it. Ethan and Paige weren't too sure about it. We had fun anyway though.